Da-Wei, Hao 郝大緯¶
iOS developer
0987-665-751 | dwsamurai84@gmail.com
Swift, 2 years
- UIKit
- Git / Swift Package Manager / RESTful API
- Design Pattern: MVC / MVVM / Singletion / Notification
- Notification:FCM / APNs
Drink Order App¶
- Medium | GitHub
- Developed a beverage ordering app using UIKit Programmatically UI and integrated with Airtable API to implement beverage data display and ordering functionality.
App Store App¶
- Medium | GitHub
- Using UIKit programmatic UI that fetches App Store API data through URLSession, displays the top 25 popular applications using UITableView, includes free/paid app toggle functionality, and supports light/dark mode.
YouBike Station Search & Navigation App¶
- Medium | GitHub
- Developed a YouBike app that integrates Open Data API to provide real-time station search, navigation features, and favorites management. Built using UIKit, MKMapKit for mapping functionality, and Core Data for data storage.
Working Experience¶
- IKEA Shopkeeper 2022/3-now
- IKEA Visual Merchardisier 2018/6-2022/3
- iPlayground 2024 Staff
GitHub Stats¶
Contact & Blog¶
- ✉️ Email: dwsamurai84@gmail.com
- 💻 GitHub: dwhao84
- 📝 Medium: @dwsamurai84_dev
- 📝 HackMD: @dwhao84
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